A Message from Dr. Zimmermann About BIA-ALCL

Recently, textured breast implants have been linked to a rare type of non-Hodgkins lymphoma called Breast Implant Associated-Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (BIA-ALCL). As a board-certified plastic surgeon who has performed a large number of procedures involving the placement of breast implants, from breast augmentation to breast reconstruction, I think it is important to address these rising concerns among my patients with reliable facts and up-to-date Read More
What is Botox ®?
Botox is a commercially made pharmaceutical which is used in both the cosmetic and health care arenas. It is a neurotoxin that is derived from the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. The product blocks neurotransmitters which prevents the action of muscle firing. In other words, it temporarily paralyzes muscles. One might think this is very scary, however, providers use the Botox ® in very small amounts and Read More
Botox Day!
AESTHETIC SURGERY CENTER OF NAPA VALLEY John P. Zimmermann, M.D. BOTOX DAY Wednesday, August 12, 2015 9:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m. All attendees will receive Botox for $10/unit. Introduce a new patient to Dr. Terry Restivo for Botox and get an extra bonus for both of you this day only……….. ($9/unit)!!!! RSVP – ASAP (707) 258-6077 BD members remember to print your vouchers for extra savings. Read More
Small Steps Lead to Big Changes
In the last blog we took an inventory on the various ways we should be taking care of ourselves. We touched on drinking more water, eating organic, non-processed foods, exercising regularly, the importance of getting outside, taking time for yourself and being true to yourself. Phew, that’s a lot! If much of what was said doesn’t ring true for you, you might be feeling a Read More
Beauty on a Budget

Most of us don’t have the money that the movie stars have to spend on surgery, procedures, a personal trainer, a personal chef (wouldn’t that be nice?!) and all the other things think it would take to be beautiful. And, frankly, most of us put everything and everyone before ourselves. So before you choke on your coffee with what I’m going to say, take a Read More